
Authentication using SAML

Last week I worked on adding support for registration using SAML in openwisp-radius. It had to look it up as I only heard about SAML and never worked with it. I found multiple modules for adding SAML support to a Django project, out of them djangosaml2 stood out.

djangosaml2 is being actively developed and maintained. It uses pysaml2 which is also maintained by the same organization, IdentityPython. This made me confident that I’ll be able to get help if I got stuck. Later I came to know that IdentiyPython also have a fairly active slack server.

OpenWISP required doing custom things that were not possible with djangosaml2 so I ended up sending a patch upstream. My patch was not merged, but it was well-received. Later, the maintainer sent another patch that completed the goals of my patch with other things.

I used Auth0 as an identity provider for my testing and it served me well. Working with SAML was not a cakewalk. It took more time to configure openwisp-radius for testing than to write code.

The code of djangosaml2 got me interested. It is not very consistent and needs some improvements and I think this is the area where I can help. I will try to keep contributing to djangosaml2 and help another opensource project.