
Django Query Expressions: F()

The F() Django query expression allows performing a database operation on a field without loading its value in memory. Using it, we can update values for not only a particular object but also for an entire queryset. To do that, we need to use F() in conjunction with the update() method.

Following is an example from the Django documentation:

Reporter.objects.all().update(stories_filed=F('stories_filed') + 1)

The F() expressions helps improving performance by reducing the number of database queries generated as well as by offloading the processing chore to the database.

I got to learn about F() expressions when I needed to provide an alias to a database field in openwisp-controller. Not only this, F() expressions can also be used to create dynamic fields containing values from combining existing fields.

As with every other aspect of Django, usage of F() expressions has been clearly documented in Django’s documentation for “Query Expressions”.