
Executing Raw SQL in Django

Django provides a way to directly execute SQL queries which is neatly described in Django documentation. This devlog summarizes my key takeaways while working with it.

The Manager.raw method supports deferring unrequired fields. But it is to be noted that the primary key can’t be deferred since it is used by Django to identity model instances. Interestingly, a FieldDoesNotExist exception is raised if you try to skip the primary key field.

Manager.raw also allows using placeholders like %s to allow dynamic SQL queries. It has been recommended to use the params argument of Manager.raw to supply values for these placeholders instead of using string formatting provided by Python. Doing so can make the application prone to SQL injection attacks.

There is a caveat while working with placeholders in raw SQL queries. For SQLite the placeholder key is %%s while for PostgreSQL it is %s. Django does not automatically handle the two cases and it is up to the developer to take care of it.