
Let the merging begin

I had a call scheduled for today regarding open work on OpenWISP with other contributors. We decided to merge all open work which is near to completion this week so we can progress with the development of the project.

I issued a minor release of openwisp-controller, i.e. 0.8.1 which is packed with a small minor improvement to make the test suite independent of the project settings. My heart always skips a beat whenever I have to publish a package on PyPI. I am always afraid that I did something wrong and everything got broken. Thankfully, it did not happen this time.

This release was a potential blocker to my work in ansible-openwisp2. After publishing the release on PyPI I started to update my work on ansible-openwisp2. Sadly, it did not go as planned and the ansible role was stalling while installing openwisp-controller. This was not happening while installing the openwisp-controller from the GitHub repository. Did I mess up something in the release?

It was getting late and I could not think clearly due to drowsiness. I called it off and decided to look into it tomorrow.

In other news

My team won the MLH Fellowship Midway Hackathon under the Best Community Building Project category. I feel rewarded for the time and energy we put into the development of the project.