
Merge! Merge! Merge!

After merging the patch to openwisp-controller, I proceeded to update my work on ansible-openwisp2 yesterday. Things didn’t go as planned and for some reason, the build was stalling. I was astonished to learn that the default timeout for a job on GitHub actions is 360 minutes. Honestly, 6 hours is a lot of time and I believe that GitHub could be simply wasting their resources by having that long timeout.

It was relatively easy to find the cause of stalling builds. openwisp-controller~=0.8.0 uses channels~=2.2.0. The task which installed channels_redis did not pin the version, therefore it was installing the latest version of channels_redis which was ~=3.2.0. channels_redis~=3.2.0 increased the channels dependency to channels~-3.0.0. I assume that pip was having troubles resolving the dependencies which stalled the build.

After fixing the stall, we were able to merge two PRs, one for substituting GitHub Actions for Travis CI and the other for upgrading openwisp-controller dependency.

So much of our time is getting wasted because of Travis CI. Migration from one CI service to another comes with its headaches. Many times, we face a problem which was simply not there with Travis CI integration,

Ansible Galaxy has a hardcoded integration for Travis CI. I feel this a bit stupid to just support only one CI service instead of having something generalized. I saw a few issues created on their GitHub repository for this and hope that someday they will make the integration CI neutral. For now, the workaround is to use an ansible-galaxy command to import build information to Ansible Galaxy.

I overlooked that GitHub Actions which are triggered by pull requests from forks do not get secrets for their runtime. Due to this fact, the job responsible for importing build details to Ansible Galaxy fails for a PR created from a fork.

After fiddling with GitHub Actions, we concluded that we can still merge open PRs and come back to this later on. We further merged two more PRs merged in ansible-openwisp2, one for static files minification and cache invalidation and the other for introducing openwisp-notifications.

In other news

I was expected to work on BentoML today. I have an idea to achieve Kafka integration. I hope the idea will be accepted by BentoML maintainers and implementable by us.