
No Code Day - Failed

I have been told that I spend too much time sitting on the computer and I should do other things than computers. So, today I decided to take a break from code.

It was all going well, until around midnight I received an email notification that openwisp-firmware-upgrader has been released. The release of this module has been stalling my work for over a week now. I got excited and ditched No Code Day for good. In my defense, I didn’t code a single line during the day.

So I went back to the keyboard and started updating my PR on ansible-openwisp2. Sadly, TravisCI credits for OpenWISP’s account were all consumed. I thought it might be a good idea to write a GitHub workflow for continuous testing in ansible-openwisp2.

From my previous experience with GitHub Actions, I expected the process to be quick. I read a few blog posts and watched some tutorials for writing a GitHub workflow to test an Ansible role with the molecule module.

It all went well. My previous attempt at writing a GitHub workflow for openwisp-notifications helped a lot. I copy-pasted from here and there and voila, the workflow was complete. I tested it on my fork first. As expected, it failed for the first build. After lots of tweaking, setting up environment variables, and referring back to the travis.yml a couple of times, I finally got it working.

Now, with the GitHub Actions working, I was relieved that we can be sure to merge these PRs. I ran the build for my PR, and it failed. From an initial look, I suspected it is something related to openwisp-controller 0.8.0.

I was not ready to jump into a rabbit hole at this time. I called off the day(or night). Let’s see what is in the openwisp-controller tomorrow.

In other news

I should really find hobbies other than computers.