
Prepping for BentoML

Today was one of those days. Life called and I could not do any development. I had a meeting with the podmate, with whom I am planning to work on BentoML. We tried to make sense out of the issue on GitHub.

We realized that the issue we are currently working on emphasizes the documentation. The main goal of the issue is to document how BentoML can be used with data stored in Kafka. Developing additional APIs for Kafka integration is a secondary goal. I am not worried about the secondary goal as of now.

Thankfully, the issue mentioned a blog that describes how Kafka can be used along with TensorFlow. While most of the things in the blog did not make much sense to me, but now I have an overview of what we are expected to do.

In other news

openwisp-controller 0.8.0 is released. With this, my GSoC project will be used on all installations of OpenWISP by default. Now I will have to update all of my PRs on ansible-openwisp2.