
`wg-quick` and `wg`

In order to simplify the scripts deployed on Wireguard VPN Server, I planned to add the Address field in the VPN server configuration in OpenWISP Controller.

Making this change in the server configuration made me struggle a little in the beginning. I started debugging from the wrong place. I looked into “Preview Configuration View” while my answers were hidden in “Download Configuration View”. Though these two views mostly share the same code, the “Preview Configuration View” works with a temporary instance, i.e. automatically generated attributes are not available to it.

After successfully modifying OpenWISP Controller and NetJSONConfig, I started testing these changes by spinning up an instance on AWS.

The updater script on the VPN server used wg-quick for creating a new interface and wg syncconf for hot-loading configuration of an existing interface.

Little did I know the configuration formats for wg-quick and wg are different. wg-quick allows providing additional properties that are used for making changes using the ip command. It was only clear to me after reading manpages for wg-quick(8) and wg(8).

Luckily, the manpage of wg-quick(8) contains an example that allows passing wg-quick configuration to wg syncconf.

 wg syncconf wgnet0 <(wg-quick strip wgnet0)