
  • Slow and steady

    Opened a PR on ansible-openwisp2 to fix the leaflet map. I tracked down the cause of this bug yesterday. My PR monkey patches the bug to prevent the release from further stalling. I opened an issue in openwisp-utils to implement this fix cleanly. In my PR to ansible-openwisp2, I have...

  • Agitation, not the bug

    There are two potential release blockers for ansible-openwisp2. Since these bugs arose due to changes that I made earlier to the repository, as a pragmatic programmer I am taking up the responsibility for my code and fixing it. Today, I primarily focused on finding the bug that broke the leaflet...

  • Breathe and Read

    I continued reading Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols, and Practice. In other news I started using Foam to take notes from what I read.

  • Itsy Bitsy

    I did different small things today. I did not have any pending PR or any assigned issues. Today was a relatively slow day. In other news Starting reading Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols and Practice. If I wish to develop a career in computer networks I need to create the habit...

  • Clearing up my mess

    It was pointed out in the review that I have not configured private storage correctly in the PR for adding openwisp-firmware-upgrader support. I messed up, I didn’t test my work properly. It occurred to me that I never ran tests for openwisp-firmware-upgrader in the verification task. If I had run...