
  • Testing delete endpoint of Django Admin

    I had to write a test today that involved testing the delete endpoint of Django admin. But just after writing the first few lines of the test, I realized that Django displays a confirmation page before actually deleting the object. And since the test suite of Django does not offer...

  • Webinar on Contributing to OpenWISP

    Code for Cause invited me to conduct a workshop on their YouTube channel as part of their Spring of Code series. I showed a couple of demos using OpenWISP for managing router configuration. A hilarious one was to control the lights of the router. Sadly, I failed to configure OpenVPN...

  • Subnet Subdivision Rule

    I have been working on a new feature of OpenWISP for some time. While working on it, I got to know about some difficulties while managing networks. While working on this, most of my time was spent optimizing database queries. The ease of Django’s ORM sometimes makes you overlook the...

  • Subnetting

    Revised many concepts of subnetting today. I was getting stuck again and again so needed something to clear my head. I found this article Introduction to Subnetting helpful and some exercises helped too.

  • Hiding elements from print

    Took up two related issues on Kiwi TCMS which dealt with hiding certain HTML elements(e.g. add/remove icons) while printing the webpage. Implementing this introduced me to the print media query of CSS. Creating a patch for these issues was simple, I just had to do the following for respective elements....