
  • Quick checks at OpenWISP

    Yesterday, I opened the PR on ansible-openwisp2 to add default access credentials on a fresh installation of OpenWISP. I requested a review from the other maintainer on opening the PR and without realizing my implementation was a bit broken. Hopefully, the maintainer realized it was still a work in progress...

  • OpenWISP Back on Track

    I started working on another issue on ansible-openwisp2. This issue is to generate an SSH key pair on the remote machine and utilize that keypair for the devices. Being mostly unfamiliar Ansible, I had to do a fair bit of research for generating SSH key on a remote machine using...

  • Progressing with Kiwi

    Yesterday, my first PR to Kiwi TCMS got merged. The maintainer generously assigned me the next issue I was hopping onto before. Today was another day when I lost my code due to poor Git skills. Now when I think about it, I believe it had nothing to do with...

  • Zero Code Written

    I didn’t code anything today. To be honest, I only interacted with code while helping others with their work. I helped my Podmates with their assigned issues in Kiwi TCMS. Most of the contributions we are doing right now does not make us think much. We are just copy-pasting code...

  • Juggling OpenWISP and Kiwi TCMS

    Yesterday late night I received a review on my first PR to Kiwi TCMS. The number of changes requested overwhelmed me to a point that I could not sleep. Well, this is not new. During GSoC as well, exhaustive reviews always called me back from what I was doing and...