
  • Just a Sunday

    I gave a hiring coding test today. I freaked out. I am out of the practice of competitive programming for over two months now. I try to get back to it, but it does not work. I am just hoping for a good outcome. In other news Since I am...

  • Getting Over with Mid-Way Hackathon

    It was the last day of the hackathon and just like every hackathon I have ever participated, there was a lot more work to do that there was time for. The video calling with WebRTC was working but it was flaky. When a user joins for the first time on...

  • Banging head against WebRTC

    We had some leftover tasks from yesterday to cover today. We wrote the backend logic for rooms but it was not integrating well with the frontend. While integrating we realized that I had made several mistakes in the code. In my defense, I wrote the whole code presuming the working...

  • Kicking Off Midway Hackathon

    My hackathon team started by discussing the implementation of our project. I am glad that I attended that meeting. After the meeting, I realized that my understanding of the project idea was broken. It was unanimously decided to use SocketIO for WebSocket implementation. It was also decided to write the...

  • Triaging at OpenWISP

    I went through all opened PRs on OpenWISP trying to add them to the respective project boards. Organizing PRs on the project board is important because only then we can ensure that the time spent by the maintainer are well utilized and PRs which need review get reviewed. While going...