Heroku being Heroku
Yesterday, I completed developing the web application for ShrutiVaani - Sanskrit TTS. I deployed an initial version of it on Heroku to make sure that at least the Django part works fine on the cloud. I also connected the web application to the runtime of our TTS application. The whole...
The Minor Project Returns
The final leg of the minor project of my bachelor’s degree commenced in December. I along with my peers are working on a project to develop a text-to-speech application for the Sanskrit language. We faced many hurdles along the journey and the most problematic one was the time commitment. Anyhow,...
Menial Replication
Replicated the note added in openwisp-controller to openwisp2-docs. Apparently, some parts of the docs are repeated. This repetition won’t get fixed until comprehensive documentation is created. In other news Continued reading Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols, and Practice and learned about distance vector routing and link-state routing.
Peeking into Django’s source code
I picked up another small issue on Kiwi TCMS. This one is for writing tests for their custom Middleware. Initially, I chose to use actual GET/POST requests and test the working of the middlewares, but I changed my mind later after taking account of tests I wrote for SafeJSONRPCHandler. I...
Pip gone rogue
Pip has rolled out its new dependency resolver algorithm in 20.3. The new dependency resolver algorithm has caused numerous problems across the Python community. OpenWISP has also become a victim of a bug in the new dependency resolver algorithm. The new dependency algorithm sometimes stalls while resolving dependencies or gets...